AICHUN BEAUTY Argan Castor Jojoba Oil 30ml

AED 25.00AED 48.00

50+ sold last month

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50 in stock

  • New highly concentrated active formula multifunctional oils Face Serum.
  • The new high-concentration plasticizer active formula effectively promotes skin-friendly, can generate collagen, whitens, moisturizes, brightens age spots, removes blackheads, shrinks pores, smoothes expression lines, strengthens cuticles, re-conditioning damaged skin, restores its hydration and brightness.
  • The American Indians knew about the benefits of jojoba oil for the skin.
  •  They used it to heal wounds and burns.
  •  There is nothing surprising in the healing abilities of this product, given the closeness of its composition to the substances synthesized by the sebaceous glands of our skin.
  • The chemical structure of oil differs from other vegetable oils in that it is a polyunsaturated wax.
  •  Like a wax, jojoba oil is especially beneficial for the face and body because it protects the skin by controlling moisture and soothing the skin and hair.
  • Oils contains beneficial ingredients including vitamin E, B complex, silicon, chromium, copper and zinc.
  •  It has a very high percentage of iodine – 82%, which gives jojoba oil its healing power.
  •  It also contains three fatty acids: erucic (13.6%), gadolic (71.3%) and oleic (11.2%).

New highly concentrated active formula multifunctional oils Face Serum. Applicable gender: female. Particle size: water. Function: Anti-aging, Brightening, Nourishing, Whitening. A bottle can solve skin problems.

Product properties name: castor oil. Multifunctional face serum specification: 30ml. Applicable symptoms: The new high-concentration plasticizer active formula effectively promotes skin-friendly, can generate collagen, whitens, moisturizes, brightens age spots, removes blackheads, shrinks pores, smoothes expression lines, strengthens cuticles, re-conditioning damaged skin, restores its hydration and brightness.

Daily use is recommended.

They used it to heal wounds and burns.

There is nothing surprising in the healing abilities of this product, given the closeness of its composition to the substances synthesized by the sebaceous glands of our skin.

Symptoms to apply: The new high concentration active formula can effectively promote skin collagen production, whitening, moisturizing, lightening blemishes, removing, shrinking pores, softening streaks and skin, repairing dry skin, restoring moisture and brightness.

Oil provides a moisturizing effect Face Serum The bottle can solve skin problems Fight aging Control of wrinkles.

Oils contains beneficial ingredients including vitamin E, B complex, silicon, chromium, copper and zinc.

It has a very high percentage of iodine – 82%.


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AICHUN BEAUTY Argan Castor Jojoba Oil 30ml

AED 25.00AED 48.00

50+ sold last month

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